Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grandma and Aunt Joy We Got Snow Because

ALEAH put a cottonball under her pillow. Let me start from the beginning, on Thursday (Jan. 6) I picked Aleah up at preschool and went to the funeral home. As we got out of the vehicle, I noticed a cotton ball under her shoe lace and of course I ask why do you have a piece of cotton in your shoe. Her responds was I am suppose tooooo! The entire time she is saying I" I CAN"T LOOSE IT, MOMMA!!!!" Well, it was still unclear to me, so I took it out and put it in my coat pocket. As soon as we left, I had to put the cotton ball under her shoelace. Well, I am still in the dark on this!! When she is getting ready for bed, she tells her Daddy she has to put her pajamas on inside out. Of course he is completely lost ...bless his heart. We quickly explain to him why!!! So we are off to bed, and Aleah said where is my cotton ball? This is when I realized why she had it under her shoelace. Aleah began telling me the story that her preschool teacher told her to do for snow. Here are the instruction......wore pajamas inside out, put cotton ball under pillow, do a snow dance and say a prayer!!!! It worked three days later!

This is what we got!! We have been out of school for three days.


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